dream 2

The needle broke off in my arm

What are you doing

Trying to get me hooked?

I just want out, I said

I have a friend who deals in getting out

Let me give you his number

I got out of the car and walked down the road

I came across a house

It looked like a giant coo coo clock

The architect was in the window

He beckoned me inside

The house was vast

He took me downstairs to a lofty ballroom

It could fit 45 tables with 12 people per table

Or 35 tables with room for a dance floor

I vomited in the corner

A band started to play

dream 1

We crossed in the corridor

You, she said angrily, I want all of your things out of my room right now

I being so in love replied, yes of course...anything for you

Ye right, she scoffed and continued passed me.

We saw your plans, came her mother’s voice, you were going to kill us!

Her withered head poked out from a door way

I did not respond

I just gathered my things and left.

Further down the corridor was a small room shared by five men

I tiptoed over their breathing bodies

I found a small space on the floor in the corner

I laid down

Anything for you.